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Showing posts from January, 2017

Climate Change Explained

Climate means the average weather in a place measured for a long time.this will include weather patterns,temperature patterns,humidity,wind..etc.Climate patterns gives the idea of how the natural Eco systems will behave in future,and its kind a predication of how the future is gonna be last ten to twenty years climate is rapidly changing and temperature is rising for last decade or so average temperature rose to 1-2 degrees.This is faster than what we had for last 1000 years.

Divided we fall united we Stand

Fun facts about ants is that they can lift 20 times its own weight. Ant colonies are controlled by a queen ant and there are soldiers and workers,ants can track their own trails for miles and there are more than 10,000 species of ants all over the world. But one of the most important thing about ants is their unity and bond, they always joined as a whole. This is one thing that humans can learn from ants “Divided we fall united we stand” its like the only thing that ants are following. On the other hand this will limit the creative and free thinking because if we all act like ants and doing only the things we told to do then humans will never invent the massive structures and complex technologies in past and humans will never evolve like this. I believe humans are free thinkers and always curious about their surroundings and this lead them to invent and explore, but still we have to admire the unity and the workmanship that ants have.

Photography ! Start with Basics

one of the biggest question in photography is that "do I need a DSLR to do photography" and the answer is “absolutely no” Now days anyone can find a good point and shoot lens in smart phones as well,I believe what really matters is your perception and your willing to do photography. I have seen many people who are waiting to buy a DSLR just to start photography but at the mean time they do nothing,remember you still have good quality cheap alternatives to start up with and starting with a DSLR is most of the times not going to work, my advice is to do photography with a smart phone or a point and shoot camera and see where your pictures leading you and if you feel like you are in the current track and you have the passion then go for a DSLR and continue and remember doing photography with a DSLR is a expensive hobby so be-careful with your choices and be wise too. I decided to share some of the pictures I taken seven or eight years ago,all these are taken with a point a...

Dawn at the Lake front

Dawn at the Lake front Blue Misty Lake Lakes and reservoir are the next best thing after the sea, and in most lakes, lake front make the most beautiful place to sit back and enjoy the lake scenery, My advice would be to enjoy the sun set or sun dawn from the lake front and if the sky is not too cloudy you can enjoy a good view. For a photographer lakes are a fantastic place to harvest new ideas for a shoot, in most of the lakes you can find birds flying around and if the bushes are near there will always be animals as well. For me Its the Dawn and sunset which I always love to capture, this need bit of a dedication and a good gear as well but when considering the gear in these days even a smart phone has a good point and shot cam, My gear is canon 600 D and I used 18-55 mm default kit lens for most of these shoots and for some I used canon 18-135mm / Tamron 70-300 mm as well. Dawn at the Lake Tips to do Lake photography First if you are ta...